KYSU Online Policies

KYSU Online Academic Appeal Procedures


Download a copy of the Academic Appeals Procedures Policy

Quick Note: The “KYSU Online Academic Appeal Procedures” document outlines the procedures for online students at Kentucky State University (KYSU) to appeal academic decisions. It applies to students registered in the online programs of KYSU and guides the appeals processes related to online courses and academic standing in KYSU Online programs. The policy covers various scenarios including appeals of assignment grades, course grades, violations of the KYSU Online Academic Code of Conduct, administrative withdrawal decisions, and academic standing policies. The document also provides detailed steps for each appeal process, including the entities involved, timelines, and the forms to be used.

KYSU Online Academic Code of Conduct


Download a copy of the Online Academic Code of Conduct

Quick Note: The “KYSU Online Academic Code of Conduct” policy applies to KYSU Online students. It emphasizes the importance of academic integrity and outlines the consequences of academic dishonesty, which can include cheating, plagiarism, and forgery. The policy details the procedures for investigating and determining instances of academic dishonesty, which involve the instructor, the KYSU Online Academic Misconduct Committee, and the All-University Court. Sanctions can range from an “F” grade on an assignment or course to suspension or expulsion from the University.

KYSU Online Course Attendance Policy


Download the Online Course Attendance Policy

Quick Note: The “KYSU Online Course Attendance Policy” applies to KYSU Online students. The policy emphasizes the importance of regular attendance and academic engagement in online courses for student success and eligibility for Federal Student Aid. It defines academic engagement as participation in academic activities such as attending classes, completing assignments, taking exams, participating in discussions, and regular communication with instructors. The policy also outlines the procedures for maintaining attendance in online courses, which do not require physical attendance or synchronous meetings. Students must demonstrate academic engagement in the first week to avoid being dropped from the course. After the first week, students must maintain regular academic engagement to avoid being administratively withdrawn after 21 days of inactivity. The policy includes the responsibilities of instructors and students in upholding these requirements.

KYSU Online Course Registration Policy


Download the Online Course Registration Policy

Quick Note: The “KYSU Online Course Registration Policy” applies to KYSU Online students It establishes guidelines for course registration coordination between KYSU’s traditional academic programs and those offered through KYSU Online. The policy distinguishes between two venues: the physical campus, which serves residential, commuter, and dual-credit students in traditional degree programs, and KYSU Online, which serves remote students in distance learning degree programs. The policy details the different course modalities (traditional, hybrid, virtual, and online) and their corresponding section numbers in the course registration system. It also outlines the procedures for faculty in scheduling course offerings and for changes in modality and includes an appeal process for students who wish to register for courses outside their program modality. 

KYSU Online Disability Accommodations


Download the KYSU Online Disability Accomodations Policy

Quick Note: The “KYSU Online Disability Accommodations Policy” applies to KYSU Online students. It is designed to ensure that all students with disabilities have equal access to educational opportunities and are not discriminated against on the basis of their disabilities. The policy outlines the responsibilities of faculty and staff members to provide reasonable accommodations to students with disabilities. It provides guidance for compliance with legal requirements and best practices for disability accommodations. The policy details the procedures for requesting and implementing accommodations, which involve the student, the Office of Accessibility and Disability Services, and the instructors. Accommodations may include accessible course materials, exam accommodations, accessible classroom and lab spaces, access to assistive technology, and other reasonable accommodations determined on a case-by-case basis.

KYSU Online Late Work Policy


Download the Online Late Work Policy

Quick Note: The “KYSU Online Late Work Policy” applies to KYSU Online students. It establishes requirements and procedures for assignment deadlines and late work in online courses. All assignments must be completed by their deadlines, typically coinciding with the end of each module. Students who do not meet the deadline may submit their work late without requesting approval from the course instructor, but late work will be penalized with a standard grade reduction on the assignment. The standard penalty is a reduction of one letter grade or ten percent of the assignment’s possible points per week after the deadline. The policy also provides exceptions to the late work penalties. Students may request an exception to the standard grade reduction by communicating with their instructor about their circumstances and providing documentation. Exceptions to the standard grade reduction depend on the instructor’s professional judgment after considering the relevant facts and circumstances. The policy also includes provisions for military students who require additional flexibility and special accommodations due to their service duties. 

KYSU Online Policy on the Use of Artificial Intelligence


Download the Online Policy on the Use of Artificial Intelligence

Quick Note: The “KYSU Online Policy on the Use of Artificial Intelligence (AI)” applies to KYSU Online students. It provides a framework for Subject Matter Experts (SMEs) and online faculty to implement specific guidelines for their students’ use of AI tools. The policy requires students to abide by the course-specific and assignment-specific guidelines on the acceptable use of AI.  The policy categorizes assignments into three types based on the acceptable use of AI tools: Full & Documented Use, Limited & Documented Use, and Forbidden Use. Each assignment in a course will fall into one of these categories, and students are required to acknowledge and document their use of AI tools according to their instructors’ requirements.

Questions? Contact or Dr. Deanna McGaughey-Summers, Interim Director of Online Education,