Staff Senate Overview

The Kentucky State University Staff Senate is the official representative organization of staff. The Staff Senate is responsible for eliciting input from the staff regarding university policies and procedures affecting staff and then conveying those concerns, suggestions, options, and recommendations to the University President.

Additional Staff Senate goals include facilitating communication among co-workers, promoting mutual understanding of administration-employee relationships and planning and implementing programs of interest and benefit to the staff.

Staff Senate members are elected to represent organizational units and each member serves a two-year term. The Staff Senate meets monthly, and meetings are open to all KSU Staff.

2024 - 2026 Staff Senate Officers

President - Delandual Conwell

Vice President  - Jameelah Means

Secretary - Neni Robertson

Treasurer - Sherri Bridgewaters

Parliamentarian - Erica Dunn

Senate Members – Patricia Dixon, Keymia Herve, Erica Dunn, Jacqueline Duvall, Christian Flowers, Larmont Lawson, Ashlie Smootbaker, Zachary Atwell (ex-officio), Laura Reynolds (ex-officio)

Staff Regent – Edward Fields


Kentucky State University
Staff Senate
400 East Main Street
Frankfort, Kentucky  40601
