Transfer Students

Kentucky State University Transfer Requirements

Students wishing to transfer to Kentucky State University must meet the following criteria:

* ACT/SAT Scores are not required for admission to the University. However, test scores are reviewed to determine placement and scholarship eligibility.

Transfer students who have earned 24 or more college-level transferable credit hours must:

  • Have a minimum cumulative college level GPA of 2.0 from a regionally accredited institution.
  • Submit official transcript(s) from each college or universities that have been attended.

Transfer students who have earned less than 24 college-level transferable credit hours must:

  • Meet the same requirements as the first time freshman and have a cumulative 2.0 GPA on college level transferable coursework completed from a regionally accredited institution
  • Freshman requirements:
    • Unweighted cumulative GPA of 2.5 or greater
  • Be eligible to return to the institution from which they are transferring, good academic standing.
  • Submit an official transcript(s) from all the universities/colleges that have been attended.
  • Submit an official final high school transcript with the graduation date posted.

Note:  Transcripts are only considered official when received in the school’s sealed envelope in person or by mail or electronically via eScrip-Safe, National Student Clearinghouse, or Parchment. Test scores must be received directly from the testing center to be considered official.

Kentucky State University’s Excel Program is designed to provide First-time Freshman and transfer students with less than 24 credit hours earned with an opportunity to attend and matriculate through a four year institution.  Excel Students are afforded the opportunity to earn both their Associate’s and Bachelor’s Degrees by successfully completing 60 hours (two years) and receiving their Associate’s Degree and continuing to complete their remaining 60 hours (two years) and receive their Bachelor’s degree . Students admitted to the Excel Program have been identified as meeting the secondary minimum admissions standards for public four year institutions set forth by the Council on Postsecondary Education (Minimum unweighted GPA of 2.0 – 2.49 on a 4pt scale).

Excel Program Participants will be provided with additional academic support and resources to assist with their transition to the University and overall student success.  The following action items are required for participation:

  • Enter into a learning contract
  • Participate in weekly meetings and workshops relative to a holistic approach to student success
  • Weekly tutoring sessions
  • Mentor check-ins

** Excel Program Participants are not permitted to participate in any University Athletic Sports until they have earned their Associate’s Degree.

Kentucky Community & Technical College Systems Pathways
Kentucky State University (KSU) is excited to partner with Kentucky Community & Technical College System (KCTCS) to offer several pathways for students to transfer to a specific program at KSU on their journey to complete a four-year degree. Additional pathways are in development, please check back often or reach out to KSU to discuss transfer credits outside of the pathways listed here

Visit the KCTCS Transfer Partnership Program Main Page

Kentucky State University (KSU) and Jefferson Community & Technical College (JCTC) have partnered to reduce financial barriers for Kentucky students to complete a four-year degree. The JCTC-2-KSU Pathway Scholarship provides financial aid opportunities to eligible transfer students who earn an associate degree from Jefferson.

Visit the JCTC-2-KSU Pathway Scholarship Main Page

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