New Student Information

Student Email

Student accounts provide access to student email and on-site access to the computer labs.

  • Your username and password will be provided to you in your admission's packet.

Password Guidelines

After you initially log in, students will be required to change their passwords. Below are the password guidelines for the university:

  • Passwords must be at least 12 characters in length.
  • Passwords must contain at least one of each of the following:
    • UPPER-CASE alphabet character
    • lower-case alphabet character
    • Special character (eg. *, %, !, etc.) or Numeric character (eg. 1, 2, 4, etc.).
  • Must not have any part of your name in it.
  • Cannot match previous passwords used within the last two years.

Password Help

  • Forgot your password.
  • Change your password.

Click here to enroll for the Password Recovery Tool. Enroll now, reset your password at any time.


For Blackboard assistance other than passwords, call (877) 200-1841 or click here for the Blackboard Support Center.


New Students who have not registered for class and do not have a KSU email

  • Your “User ID” is your KSU Student ID number.
    • If you forget your Student ID, please contact the Registrar at (502) 597-6234.
  • If you apply over the Internet, you will create your own pin during the admission process.
  • If you did not apply via the Internet, use your birth date MMDDYY as your PIN. If your PIN does not work or needs to be reset, contact the IT Help Desk at (502) 597-7000.

Continuing Students who have registered for class and have a KSU email

  • Your ONE LOGIN information (KSU email and password) are used to log into WIRED.
  • Please contact the IT Help Desk at (502) 597-7000 for login issues.

Previous Students

  • Your “User ID” is your Student ID number.
    • If you forget your Student ID, please contact the Registrar at (502) 597-6234.
  • If your PIN does not work or you cannot remember your PIN, contact the IT Help Desk at (502) 597-7000.

Still having problems

  • Contact the IT Help Desk at (502) 597-7000.

Internet Connection – How to Connect

Residence Hall

You will need:

  • A KSU email and password.
  • A computer or laptop with operating system of Windows (7 or higher) or Mac OSX.
  • Confirm that your PC has the proper hardware.
    • Ethernet card 10/100 (type) or for a Laptop –PCMIA 10/100 (type).
  • Ethernet cable-15-25 ft, Ethernet cable type CAT-RJ45, Male to Male (end connection).

If using wireless, connect to KSU Students and login with your full KSU email (e.g., and password under the Network Login section. Read the section below for more information. 


To connect to KSU WiFi, go to our Wireless Connections page and follow the instructions for How to Connect Laptops & Mobile Devices for Students. You will also find instructions for connecting other devices like gaming consoles, streaming devices, smart TVs, etc. 

Visit the Wireless Connections Page


microsoft 365 Apps for Enterprise (formerly office 365)

Kentucky State University is providing Microsoft Office applications through Microsoft 365 Apps for Enterprise. This is available to faculty, staff and students free of charge. This means the latest version of the full Office productivity suite, including Word, Excel, PowerPoint, OneNote, and more available for offline and online use to best equip you with convenience. As long as you are an employee or student here and we continue this offer, you will be able to use this software for free.

  • Install on up to 5 compatible PCs and Macs, plus 5 tablets (including iPad!)
  • Use with OneDrive for automatic device syncing
  • Gain valuable skills on the world’s most popular productivity software
  • Use the same programs as your professors to ensure full file fidelity

For information on how to set up Microsoft 365 Apps for Enterprise, click here.

Set up KSU email on your mobile device

For iOS and Android:

You will need your Kentucky State University e-mail account to sign in.