Thorobred Academy Associate Pathway

The Thorobred Academy Associate Pathway provides dual enrollment for motivated high school students who wish to pursue an Associate of Arts in Liberal Studies degree. Beyond the academic advantages, these programs offer numerous financial benefits, contributing to a seamless transition to other college degree programs.

Reduced Tuition Expenses
By completing an associate degree in high school, Thorobred Academy students can significantly reduce the number of semesters required to earn a higher degree, resulting in substantial savings on tuition fees.

Reduced Student Loan Debt
With fewer semesters to finance, Thorobred Academy students can minimize their reliance on student loans or even graduate debt-free, providing long-term financial stability and reducing the burden of loan repayments.

Complete College General Education Requirements
Kentucky is a general education-certified state, meaning that students who complete their associate degree are considered to have completed their general education requirements.

Accelerated Time to Degree
With college credits already in hand, Thorobred Academy students can graduate earlier than their peers, having completed many prerequisite courses. This saves money on additional classes or even full semesters!

Scholarship Opportunities
Thorobred Academy students may be eligible for scholarships specifically designed for dual credit students. These scholarships provide financial support for tuition while students are still in high school.

Associate of Arts in Liberal Studies Degree Requirements

Total 60 Credit Hours

Communication: Written & Oral (3 courses) Credit Hours
ENG 101  Written Composition I 3
ENG 102 Written Composition II 3
COM 103 Interpersonal Communications  3
  Total 9
Quantitative Reasoning (1 course)
MAT 111      Contemporary Mathematics (OR Higher)       3
  Total 3
Arts & Humanities (2 courses)
Choose 1             Arts Block  
ART 130 Introduction to Art OR 3
MUS 130 Introduction to Music OR 3
THE 130 Introduction to Theatre OR 3
ENG 211 Introduction to Literature 3
Choose 1 Humanities Block  
EDU 204 Cultural Responsiveness OR  3
BUA 120 Business and Society OR 3
HIS 103 Western Civilization OR 3
HIS 108 Intro to African American History 3
  Total 6
Natural Sciences (1 course)
BIO 101 Life Science OR 3
BIO 111 Principles of Biology OR 4
CHE 109 Chemistry in Context OR 3
CHE 101 and
CHE 110
General Chemistry I and
General Chemistry I Lab OR
CHE 209 Survey of General, Organic, & Biochemistry OR      4
PHS 201 Physical Science I 3
  Total  3/4
Social & Behavioral Sciences (2 courses from different disciplines) 
FIN 101 Financial Literacy OR 3
ECO 201 Principles of Economics I  3
PSY 200 General Psychology OR 3
SOC 203 Principles of Sociology  3
  Total 3
Global/Civic (1 course)
AFE 117 Global Perspectives Ag/Food/Env OR  3
ASP 303 American Civil Rights Movement OR 3
POS 101 American Government OR 3
POS 361 World Politics 3
  Total 3
General Education Total   30
Electives (10 courses)   30
Grand Total    60