STEM Momentum 2025

Spend four weeks immersed in the exciting world of STEM at Kentucky State University's fully-funded residential summer program sponsored by the Office of Dual Credit. High-achieving high school students have the incredible opportunity to take up to two college-level STEM courses completely free of charge. Live on campus, experience college life, and learn from expert faculty while exploring cutting-edge concepts. This immersive program provides a challenging and rewarding academic experience, preparing you for success in college and beyond.

A virtual program is available for students who are unable to stay residentially. 

Apply now and ignite your passion for STEM!

The application deadline for the STEM Momentum Summer 2025 Program is Tuesday, April 15th. 

Parent/Student Information Sessions 

Summer STEM Momentum Course Offerings


4-Week In-Person/Commuter (June 2-June27)

Course Time  Days
COM 103 Interpersonal Communication 8:00AM - 10:00AM M,T,W,R,F
CHE 101/110 General Chemistry I w/ Lab*      8:00AM - 10:00AM T,W
AFE 117 Global Perspectives in Ag 10:00AM - 12:00PM      M,T,W,R,F
MAT 120 Precalculus  10:00AM - 12:00PM M,T,W,R,F
AFE 217 Plant Science* 10:00AM - 12:00PM W
AFE 211 Animal Science 1:00PM - 3:00PM M,T,W,R,F
MAT 115 College Algebra 1:00PM - 3:00PM M,T,W,R,F
BIO 103 Environmental Biology 3:00PM - 5:00PM M,T,W,R,F

*Hybrid course with in-person labs. 

8-Week Virtual Asynchronous^

B Term (May 12-July 4) Dual Credit Term (June 2-July 25) C Term (June 23-August 15)
AFE 117 Global Perspectives in Ag ALH 205 Dimensional Analysis  AFE 117 Global Perspectives in Ag
CHE 109 Chemistry in Context ALH 210 Medical Terminology CHE 109 Chemistry in Context 
COM Interpersonal Communications      BIO 101 Life Science COM 103 Interpersonal Communications 
COS 108 Prin Computer Science I      CIT 136 Comp Hardware: Mgmt/Maint COS 108 Prin Computer Science I
MAT 115 College Algebra COS 107 Problem Solving, Logic, & Deisgn      MAT 115 College Algebra 
  MAT 115 College Algebra  

^More courses could become available prior to the start of the program. Dates for B and C Terms are subject to change.