Policies and Guidelines
This page contains information about several policies and guidelines that may be relevant to a grant proposal or grant award. For information about IRB and IACUC policies, please refer to the IRB and IACUC page. For information about policies not listed here, please contact the Office of Grants and Sponsored Programs.
The University has an active and enforced conflict of interest policy that is consistent with the provision of 42 CFR Part 50, Subpart F. The policy can be found here: Financial Conflict of Interest Policy
The University has established formal policies and procedures for dealing with research misconduct in accordance with federal guidelines. Additional information on the University’s research misconduct policy can be found here: Kentucky State University Research Misconduct Policy
Research Involving Students
The University has established guidelines for research involving students. The guidelines can be found here: Utilizing Students in Research Policy
In compliance with OMB Uniform Guidance, all equipment purchased with federal funds will be tracked and monitored using the KSU inventory control system. For guidelines regarding the use of equipment purchased by grants, see: Property Management Procedural Guidelines
Principal Investigators are expected to exercise all appropriate precautions when working with potentially hazardous materials. All incidents and potentially unsafe conditions must be reported immediately to the KSU Safety Officer. For more information and guidelines regarding the review of sponsored projects involving potentially hazardous materials, please contact the Office of Grants and Sponsored Programs.
Faculty and staff who have questions relating to patents, copyrights, and other intellectual property issues in connection with sponsored projects should contact the Office of Grants and Sponsored Programs and the Office of General Counsel.
lobbying and government relations
Government relations are a function of the Office of the President and the Office of Government Relations. Faculty and staff should contact the Office of Government Relations for guidance before they engage in communications with government officials. Any lobbying carried out by the University must be disclosed in accordance with the Lobbying Disclosure Act.
The University will not use federal funds in any way in support of lobbying. For certifications regarding lobbying, please contact the Office of Grants and Sponsored Programs