Current Partnerships & New/Renewal Partnerships

Current Partnerships

Currently, Kentucky State University has international agreements with following universities and institutions.

  • South-Central University for Nationalities in China
  • Ramco International Education in China
  • Xi’An Siyuan University in China
  • Xi’an Aeronautical Institute in China
  • Eurasia University In China
  • HAS University of Applied Sciences in The Netherlands
  • College of Agriculture, Science and Education (CASE) in Jamaica
  • The Tropical Agriculture Research and Higher Education Center (Centro Agronómico Tropical de Investigación or CATIE) in Dominica
  • Dominica State College (DSC)
  • Agriculture and Forest University in Nepal
  • Kathmandu University in Nepal
  • Overseas Education, Government of Andhra Pradesh, India
  • Bermuda College in Bermuda
  • Addis Ababa Science and Technology University in Ethiopia
  • Obafemi Awolowo University in Nigeria
  • University of Lome in Togo
  • University of Beau, Cameroon
  • Anhui Agriculture University, China
  • Shandong Agriculture University, China
  • Northwestern Agriculture and Forestry University, China
  • Hayek Global College, Brazil
  • Rwanda Institute of Conservation Agriculture, Rwanda
  • University of Rwanda, Rwanda


Ready for New or Renewal Partnerships?

The Office of Global Strategies and International Affairs assists with the expansion and ongoing support of international partnerships, collaboration on research, and exchange. Working closing the Legal Office, the OGSIA assists academic units to develop and manage a wide array of international collaborations, from general Memoranda of Understanding to more specific joint efforts, which are formalized as Memoranda of Agreement or Student Exchange Agreements.