Extension Publications
Title | Group | Author | Publish Date |
Type | Abstract |
Urban Agriculture Practices for Kentuckians | Urban Agriculture |
Nia Ragland, Cora Teets, Dr. Theoneste Nzaramyimana, Marie Merci Uwimbabazi |
March 26th, 2025 |
Fact Sheet |
The Urban Agriculture in Kentucky fact sheet describes how urban agriculture is established in Kentucky, the types of practices, benefits of urban agriculture, potential challenges, initiatives, and takeaways. |
Leafy Greens Fact Sheet: Where they grow in Kentucky, where to find them, the health and nutritional benefits | Urban Agriculture |
Mariemerci Uwimbabazi, Megrael Ngudia, & Cora Teets |
March 2025 |
Fact Sheet |
The origin, where to find them, the health and nutritional benefits, and ways to incorporate them into the diet. |
Bok Choy Fact Sheet: The origin of Bok Choy, growing methods, health benefits, and more |
Urban Agriculture |
Oluwaseum Mofikoya and Dr. Theoneste Nzaramyimana |
March 2025 |
Fact Sheet |
The origin of Bok Choy, growing methods, health benefits, cooking tips, and nutritional benefits. These facts can be used to understand what bok choy is and how to grow it in your garden. |
High Tunnel Fact Sheet: How to start up your own high tunnel, site selection, crops to grow and more | Urban Agriculture |
Oluwaseum Mofikoya and Dr. Theoneste Nzaramyimana |
March 2025 |
Fact Sheet |
How to start up your own high tunnel, site selection, crops to grow, maintenance, and purpose. This provides growers an introduction to high tunnels and the benefits that they could provide to their production. |
Bell Pepper Fact Sheet: Origin, growing methods, site selection and more | Urban Agriculture |
Oluwaseum Mofikoya and Dr. Theoneste Nzaramyimana |
March 2025 |
Fact Sheet |
Facts About the Bell Pepper by Oluwaseum Mofikoya and Dr. Theoneste Nzaramyimana describes the bell peppers origin, growing methods, site selection, harvesting tips, and nutritional benefits. These facts can be used to understand what the bell pepper is and how to grow it in your garden. |
Skin Cancer Prevention for Farmers and Farmworkers: Role of Cooperative Extension Professionals | Extension | December 2024 |
Fact Sheet |
Skin cancer is the most common type of cancers, one of the more preventable and highly treatable, if caught early. Melanoma skin cancer causes the vast majority of skin cancer deaths. |
Seasonal CRD Preparedness Tips February: Canned Food Preparedness |
Extension | February 2024 |
Helpful Info |
February is National Canned Food Safety month. NIFA provides funding to the Supplemental
Nutrition Education Program - Education (SNAP-ED) and Expanded Food and Nutrition
Education Program |
Seasonal CRD Preparedness Tips April: Family Preparedness Plan |
Extension | April 2024 |
Helpful Info |
A family preparedness plan is essential for ensuring the safety and well-being of loved ones during emergencies and disasters. Read these tips to create your own Family Preparedness Plan. |
Seasonal CRD Preparedness Tips August: Heat Preparedness for Farmworkers |
Extension | August 2024 |
Helpful Info |
It's important for everyone to be aware of the various heat-related illnesses and understand prevention along with appropriate medical responses. |
Seasonal CRD Preparedness Tips March: Flood Preparedness | Extension | March 2024 |
Helpful Info |
Read for tips on preparing for a flood, staying safe during a flood, and staying safe after a flood. |
Seasonal CRD Preparedness Tips (August) Heat-Related Illnesses in Sports |
Extension | August 2024 |
Helpful Info |
During the spring and summer seasons, temperatures will rise and heat related illnesses will also increase. We want to help you take safety measures to secure your loved ones in sports with the rising temperatures. |
Seasonal CRD Preparedness Tips November: Home Fire Preparedness | Extension | November 2023 |
Helpful Info |
Cooking is the main cause of home fires any time of the year, but it is especially common on the holidays. Read for tips on how to be aware and prepare for home fires. |
Seasonal CRD Preparedness Tips October: Home Fire Preparedness | Extension | October 2024 |
Helpful Info |
As cooler weather sets in, it's important to ensure your home is prepared for potential fire hazards. October is the perfect time to review fire safety measures to keep your family safe. |
Seasonal CRD Preparedness Tips October: Home Preparedness Tips | Extension | October 2023 |
Helpful Info |
These are general preparedness tips |
Seasonal CRD Preparedness Tips July: Lightning Preparedness |
Extension | July 2024 |
Helpful Info |
This tip sheet provides essential guidelines to help you stay safe from lightning, |
Seasonal CRD Preparedness Tips September: National Preparedness Month | Extension | September 2023 |
Helpful Info |
September is the dedicated month for National Preparedness. It is a time to raise awareness of the importance of disaster preparedness and mitigation strategies. |
Seasonal CRD Preparedness Tips July: The Dangers of Leaving Kids/Pets in Parked Cars |
Extension | July 2023 |
Helpful Info |
During July, temperatures will rise, and heat-related deaths and illnesses will also
increase. |
Seasonal CRD Preparedness Tips December: Online Safery Preparedness | Extension | December 2024 |
Helpful Info |
Three tips on shopping safely online. |
Seasonal CRD Preparedness Tips May: Extreme Heat Preparedness |
Extension | May 2024 |
Helpful Info |
Three tips on preparing for and surviving extreme heat. |
Tracheal Mites | Extension | May 2024 |
Fact Sheet |
This fact sheet identifies the initial discovery of the tracheal mites infection, life cycle, symptoms, diagnosis, sampling, and treatment. |
Small Hive Beetle, Aethina tumida Murray | Extension | May 2024 |
Fact Sheet |
This fact sheet gives a brief description of the introduction, history, life cycle, damage, and detection of the small hive beetle. |
An Introduction to Amaranths | Extension |
Dr. Theoneste Nzaramyimana and Nat Colten |
May 2024 |
Fact Sheet |
Learn about Amaranth species' growth characteristics, production potential, and interesting American facts. |
Gardening in a Grow Bag | Extension |
Dr. Theoneste Nzaramyimana and Nat Colten |
October 2023 |
Fact Sheet |
Introduction to gardening in a grow bag. What, where, and how you can grow. |
Bright Ideas for Conserving Resources and Saving Money | Extension |
Jennifer Hubbard-Sanchez and Nat Colten |
April 2023 |
Fact Sheet |
Simple do it yourself household energy saving tips. |
Raising Turkeys | Extension |
Extension |
December 2022 |
Fact Sheet |
Raising Turkeys' fact sheet outlines commercial breeds vs. heritage breeds of turkeys, care of shipped birds, housing, feeding, water, health issues and more. |
A Guideline for Selecting the Best Soil Moisture Sensors | Extension |
Mohammad Valipour |
June 2022 |
Fact Sheet |
This fact sheet reviews plant irrigation. |
How can Extension educators support communities during the COVID-19 pandemic? | Extension |
Mohammad Valipour |
April 2022 |
Fact Sheet |
This fact sheet explains some steps Extension personnel can help their communities during the pandemic. Example: Extension personal can act as a bridge between information and the community; assist in recovery; etc. |
Summer Farming Heat Safety Tips | Community Resource Development | April 2022 |
Information Sheet |
Tips on how to stay safe during the hot summer days. |
Severe Weather: Flood Safety | Community Resource Development | April 2022 |
Information Sheet |
This information sheet explains the different types of flood warning broadcasted in the news |
Preparing for Spring: Storm Preparation for Your Home | Community Resource Development | March 2022 |
Information Sheet |
This fact sheet outlines some spring weather tips to help prepare your home for storms. |
How to Prepare for Spring Tornado Season | Community Resource Development | March 2022 | Information Sheet |
Learn a few tips to prepare for tornados this season. |
Saffron Types and Quality Indicators | Urban Agriculture |
Pradip Poudel, Dr. Leigh Whittinghill, & Dr. Hideka Kobayashi |
December 2021 | Fact Sheet |
This fact sheet discuss the type and quality of Saffron. General saffron types based on the proportion of style and stigma present. |
Introducing Pastured Poultry | Research and Extension | Frederick N. Bebe | December 2021 | Fact Sheet |
This publication outlines what is pastured poultry and list Kentucky poultry industry facts. |
Modified McMasters Tests and Fecal Egg Count Reduction Tests | Animal Health | Jerusha Lay | December 2021 | Fact Sheet |
Fecal Egg counts are a quantitative diagnostic tool that determines the number of parasite eggs that are in 1 gram of feces. This publication outlines current treatment, what is needed for the test and how to perform the test. |
10 Winter Safety Tips | Community Resource Development | Ashlie Smoot-Baker | December 2021 | Information Sheet |
This information sheet list some tips to help prepare for winter weather and to keep yourself, your family, and your home safe during the winter. |
Determining Your Fertilizer Needs for the Growing Season | Urban Agriculture | Dr. Leigh Whittinghill | December 2021 | Fact Sheet |
This fact sheet gives instructions for the information you need to calculate your fertilizer needs. |
Asian Giant Hornet, Vespa mandarinia Smith | Apiculture | Dr. Katherine Kamminga & Dr. Thomas Webster | November 2021 | Fact Sheet |
An overview of the Asian Giant Hornet is described in this fact sheet. The human death by this hornet is very rate, its lifecycle is annual, the feeding strategies, and characteristics are discussed. |
How to Store and Use Commodity Food | Human Nutrition | Nilima Mishra | November 2021 | Fact Sheet |
Fact sheet describes what Commodity Foods are, how they are stored, and healthy recipes from KSU. |
Container Gardening 101 | Urban Agriculture | Christine Jackson | October 2021 | Fact Sheet | Tips on how to grow a container garden. The five steps to get started. |
Skin Cancer Prevention for Farmers | Research and Extension | Frederick N. Bebe | October 2021 | Fact Sheet | This fact sheet describes cancer of the skin, pictures a suspicious mode, gives the rate of incidents in Kentucky, and how to protect yourself. |
Preparing Your Small Business for the Next Grant Application | Entrepreneurship | Chris Cribbs | October 2021 | Information Sheet | This publication provides tips on how to secure small business grants. |
Planning Your Garden around the School Calendar | Urban Agriculture | Dr. Leigh Whittinghill | October 2021 | Fact Sheet | This publication outlines how to choose plants and when to plant during school sessions. |
Saffron Harvesting to Optimize Yield and Quality | Urban Agriculture | Pradip Poudel, Dr. Leigh Whittinghill, & Dr. Hideka Kobayashi | September 2021 | Fact Sheet | Brief description of the Saffron flower. This publication helps identify flowers that are ready to harvest; when and how to harvest; and how to process them. |
Saffron: A High-Value Crop | Urban Agriculture | Pradip Poudel, Dr. Leigh Whittinghill, & Dr. Hideka Kobayashi | September 2021 | Fact Sheet | This publication describes the Saffron flower as a crop. The culinary values, medicinal values, cosmetic values, and dyeing fiber are discussed. |
Zoonotic Diseases: Toxoplasmosis | Animal Health | Nilima Mishra & Jerusha Lay |
April 2021 | Fact Sheet | This fact sheet discusses what zoonotic disease are and the symptoms, treatment, and prevention of toxoplasmosis in cats. |
Common Questions about Feline Leukemia Virus and Feline Immunodeficiency Virus in Cats | Animal Health | Jerusha Lay | April 2021 | Fact Sheet | This fact sheet discusses common questions associated with Feline Leukemia Virus and Feline Immunodeficiency Virus in cats. |
Preventative Care for Cats | Animal Health | Jerusha Lay | April 2021 | Fact Sheet | This fact sheet discusses preventive care and vaccine recommendations for cats. |
Managing Fee Fishing Operations | Aquaculture | Forrest Wynne | April 2021 | Information Sheet | This information sheet provides recommendations for producers managing fee fishing operations. |
Covering Your Assets with a Bond when Hiring At-Risk & Hard-to-Place Employees | Entrepreneurship | Christopher Cribbs | April 2021 | Information Sheet | This information sheet outlines what the Federal Bonding program is and some advantages of the program in addition to information on how to apply for the program. |
Restaurant Revitalization Fund | Entrepreneurship | Christopher Cribbs | April 2021 | Information Sheet | This information sheet provides insight into the Restaurant Revitalization Fund and details business eligibility and application for the fund. |
Certifying My Business as a Kentucky Minority & Women-Owned Business | Entrepreneurship | Christopher Cribbs | March 2021 | Information Sheet | Overview of what a Kentucky minority and women owned business certification means and how to get certified. |
Small Business Grants for Women | Entrepreneurship | Christopher Cribbs | March 2021 | Information Sheet | Resource of small business grants available for women. |
Overview of Minority and Women Business Certification | Entrepreneurship | Sherita Miller & Christopher Cribbs | March 2021 | Information Sheet | Overview of a few certifications available to minority and woman-owned businesses through government and third party entities. |
AQUAPONICS: Production Manual | Aquaponics | Janelle Hager, Leigh Anne Bright, Josh Dusci, & James Tidwell | February 2021 | Production Manual | A practical handbook for growers. |
Trauma and Toxic Stress | Health Specialist | LeChrista M. Finn | February 2021 | Information Sheet | This information sheet outlines the definition of trauma and toxic stress. It describes different types of trauma, the early warning signs, and how to improve overall health and reduce stress. |
Determining Potential Yield and Sales for the Growing Season | Organic Agriculture | Dr. Leigh Whittinghill | February 2021 | Fact Sheet | This worksheet is designed to help you determine how much your farm or garden will yield for the growing season. |
Developing a Crop Planting Calendar | Organic Agriculture | Dr. Leigh Whittinghill | February 2021 | Fact Sheet | This worksheet is designed to help you create a planting calendar for your farm or garden. |
Determining Your Seed and Transplant Needs for the Growing Season | Organic Agriculture | Dr. Leigh Whittinghill | February 2021 | Fact Sheet | This worksheet is designed to help you determine how much seed and how many transplants you will need for your farm or garden. |
Organic Hemp for Cannabinoid Extraction: Production, Opportunities, and Risks | Organic Agriculture | Shawn Lucas, Blake Sanford, & Kimberly Barmore | January 2021 | Fact Sheet | This publications describes the general uses of hemp and agriculture considerations for production and harvesting. |
Importance of Nutrition in Building Immunity: Facing COVID-19’s New Normal | Human Nutrition | Nilima Mishra & Shreya Patel | December 2020 | Fact Sheet | This publication describes how we can improve our immune health to help battle COVID-19. |
Pestcide Safety and Prevention for Farmers | Human Nutrition | Frederick N. Bebe | December 2020 | Fact Sheet | This publication describes how farmers can protect themselves while using pesticides. |
Fall Into Healthy Eating with Kentucky Butternut Squash | Family and Consumer Sciences | Dr. Allison P. Young | December 2020 | Fact Sheet | This fact sheet discusses facts about butternut squash and list several butternut squash recipes. |
Laying Hens for Family Use | Animal Health | Jerusha Lay & Steven Skelton | December 2020 | Fact Sheet | This fact sheet discusses what is need to purchase, house, and care for hens. |
Use of Aeration and Water De-stratification Devices in Recreational Ponds | Aquaculture | Forrest Wynne | December 2020 | Information Sheet | Pond stratification, pond turnover, water de-stratification systems, and aerations are discussed. |
Natural Disaster Proofing My Small Business | Entrepreneurship | Chris Cribbs | December 2020 | Information Sheet | This information sheet list types of disasters that can affect your business and how to prepare for them. |
Hemp Fibers and Fabrics | Family and Consumer Sciences | Dr. Allison P. Young | December 2020 | Fact Sheet | This fact sheet outlines the history of hemp and characteristics of hemp fibers and fabrics. |
Cannabidiol (CBD) supplements: Are we there yet? | Human Nutrition and Food Safety | Shreya Patel & Dr. Avinash Topè | December 2020 | Fact Sheet | This publication discusses what CBD supplements are and how they in your body. |
How to Avoid Weight Gain During Holiday Season | Dietetics and Human Nutrition | Nilima Mishra | Updated November 2023 | Fact Sheet | This publication discusses some tips to help us avoid weight gain during the holiday season. |
Take A Hike! | Nutrition and Nutrition Education | Dr. Kristopher R. Grimes | August 2020 | Information Sheet | This information sheet outlines the things you need to prepare for a hike, be safe on a hike, and do during a hike. |
Slow Cooker Success | Family and Consumer Sciences | Dr. Allison P. Young | August 2020 | Fact Sheet | This publication discusses slow cookers. The advantage, types, food safety, and recipes for slow cookers. |
Funding Sources for Minority Small Business Owners |
Entrepreneurship | Chris Cribbs | August 2020 | Information Sheet | Capital funding source options for minority small business owners. |
Vaccinations for Dogs | Animal Health | Dr. Jerusha (Jessie) Lay | August 2020 | Fact Sheet | This publication discusses the type of vaccines, what the vaccines are for and when your dog should receive the vaccination. |
Agroforestry: An Introduction | Governor’s Office of Agricultural Policy and Forestry Extension | Kevin Gurtowski | August 2020 | Fact Sheet | This fact sheet reviews four agroforestry criteria: International, Intensive, Integrated, and Interactive. |
Interview Protocol for Needs Assessment | Program and Staff Development | September 2020 | Information Sheet | This information sheet outlines five steps to prepare a needs assessment. | |
Fabric and Technical Considerations for Constructing Cloth Face Coverings | Family and Consumer Sciences | Allison Young | June 2020 | Fact Sheet | This publication gives instructions on how to create cloth mask and who should wear or not wear face mask. |
COVID-19: Returning To Stores and Shopping Centers | Family and Consumer Sciences | Allison Young | June 2020 | Information Sheet | This publication gives tips on how to shop in person with COVID-19 |
Working with Interpreters | Bilingual Community Resource Development | Nancy Cálix & Jessica Marquez | June 2020 | Fact Sheet | This publication outlines key concepts when working with an interpreter. It outlines selecting an interpreter, what should happen before and during the event. |
Working with Translators | Bilingual Community Resource Development | Nancy Cálix & Jessica Marquez | June 2020 | Fact Sheet | This publication outlines key concepts, cost and quality when working with a translator. This publication also list translation and/or interpreting services available in KY. |
Capturing Statistical Contacts for Virtual Extension Programs | Program and Staff Development and Reporting | June 2020 | Fact Sheet | This publication covers how to report statistical direct and indirect contacts in a virtual setting. | |
Backyard Pollinator Gardens | Cooperative Extension | Louis Ross | May 2020 | Fact Sheet | This fact sheet describes different backyard pollinators and how they affect your background gardens. |
Probiotics and Probiotic Supplements: Things to Know Before Use | Human Nutrition and Food Safety | Shreya Patel, Nilima Mishra, & Dr. Avinash Topè | May 2020 | Fact Sheet | This publication covers the definition of probiotics, name of different probiotics, what you should know about probiotic supplements, how to choose and use, should you take probiotics, probiotics in diet, and where to find additional information. |
Goat Management: Weaning | Animal Science | Dr. Kenneth Andries & Emily Clement | May 2020 | Fact Sheet | This publication outlines the weaning process in goat management. It goes over facilities preparation, health issues, nutrition issues, and post weaning management |
Stay in Touch with the Environment |
Cooperative Extension | Louis Ross, Kaitlynn Gootee, & Ian Ries | May 2020 | Info Sheet | This publication outlines an updated list of current resources for collecting data and reporting potential threats to the environment. |
Turnips | Urban Agriculture | Dr. Leigh Whittinghill | May 2020 | Fact Sheet | Turnips' planting, care, harvest, storage, and use are discussed in this publication. |
Radishes | Urban Agriculture | Dr. Leigh Whittinghill | May 2020 | Fact Sheet | This publication goes through the planting, care, harvesting, storage, and use of radishes. |
Okra | Urban Agriculture | Kristel Thornton & Dr. Leigh Whittinghill | May 2020 | Fact Sheet | Publication discusses the planting; care and harvest; and the storage and use of okra. |
“Star Gazing”: Polioencephalomalacia in Small Ruminants | Animal Health | Dr. Jerusha (Jessie) Lay | May 2020 | Fact Sheet | This publication explains what Polioencephalomalacia is in Small Ruminants and it discusses the treatment. |
Sorghum Cane Crushing Mill | Agronomy and Vegetable Production | Thomas Trivette & Dr. Oliver Freeman | May 2020 | Fact Sheet | This publication covers a solution to the limited resources of small-scale farmers starting sorghum production in Kentucky. |
Ways to Operate and Improve Your Small Business When Customers Cannot be in Your Physical Space of Operation | Entrepreneurship | Chris Cribbs | May 2020 | Fact Sheet | Publication cover how to operate and improve your small business during a time when people cannot physically visit your business. |
Vitamin C and Health | Nutrition and Nutrition Education | Dr. Kristopher R. Grimes | May 2020 | Fact Sheet | Publication covers the sources of and health benefits of vitamin C. |
How to Identify and Monitor Internal Parasites in your Small Ruminant Herd | Animal Health | Dr. Jerusha (Jessie) Lay | May 2020 | Fact Sheet | Publication covers the identification of internal parasites in your herd and how to monitor them. |
Lyme Disease in Livestock Guard Dogs | Animal Health | Dr. Jerusha (Jessie) Lay | May 2020 | Fact Sheet | Livestock guard dogs are important to your livestock investment. This publication covers some steps to take to protect your guard dogs. |
Contagious Ecthyma (Sore Mouth/Orf /Scabby Mouth) | Animal Health | Dr. Jerusha (Jessie) Lay | May 2020 | Fact Sheet | This publication covers the causes, prevention, symptoms and treatment of contagious ecthyma. |
Safety Tips for Grocery Shopping: The Expected New Normal for Consumers | Human Nutrition and Food Safety | Shreya Patel & Dr. Avinash Topè | May 2020 | Fact Sheet | This publication covers food and SARS-Cov-2, minimizing exposure while shopping, what to expect with the new normal, and resources. |
Social Distancing in the Field for Agricultural Workers | Small Farms | Dr. Marion Simon | April 2020 | Fact Sheet | Publication covers how to social distance in the farm during this time with the COVID-19 pandemic. |
Watch out for Scam Artists During COVID-19 | Community Resource Development | Gill Finley | April 2020 | Fact Sheet | Publication covers how to protect yourself from potential scam artists during this time with the COVID-19 pandemic. |
Where to Get Information on Kentucky Unemployment Benefits | Family and Consumer Sciences | Dr. Joanne Bankston | April 2020 | Fact Sheet | Important information on unemployment insurance benefits as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic. |
Considerations for Safe Use of Public Laundry Facilities | Family and Consumer Sciences | Dr. Allison P. Young | April 2020 | Fact Sheet | Publication covers important steps to take to ensure the safe handling of clothing items while using a laundromat. |
Keeping Food Safe in Crises | Family and Consumer Sciences | Dr. Kristopher R. Grimes & Dr. Avinash Topè | April 2020 | Fact Sheet | Publication covers food safety that we always need to remember. |
Overview of Agriculture in Kentucky | Agricultural Education | Dr. Johnnie Westbrook | April 2020 | Fact Sheet | Agriculture is the pillar of Kentucky’s rural economy. This publication covers how much agriculture is the backbone of the commonwealth. |
COVID-19 and Pets | Animal Health | Dr. Jerusha (Jessie) Lay | April 2020 | Fact Sheet | Publication covers the COVID 10 virus and your pet's likely hood of getting or spreading the virus. |
Decorative Gourds | Urban Agriculture | Dr. Leigh Whittinghill | April 2020 | Fact Sheet | Publication covers how to work with and use decorative gourds |
Irrigation for Your Home Vegetable Garden | Urban Agriculture | Dr. Leigh Whittinghill | April 2020 | Fact Sheet | Publication covers steps on irrigating your home vegetable garden. |
Making Pallet Gardens | Urban Agriculture | Dr. Leigh Whittinghill | April 2020 | Fact Sheet | Publication covers steps on how to make a pallet garden. |
What Wood is Safe to Use in My Garden? | Urban Agriculture | Dr. Leigh Whittinghill | April 2020 | Fact Sheet | Publication reviews the type of wood that is sage to use in your garden. |
Eating Healthy When Eating Out | Food and Animal Science | Nilima Mishra | Updated November 2023 | Fact Sheet | Publication covers tips for eating healthy even when eating out. |
The Role of Nutrition in Cancer Prevention | Food and Animal Science | Dr. Kristopher R. Grimes & Cora Teets | April 2020 | Fact Sheet | Publication covers limiting the intake of certain foods and increasing the intake of other foods can decrease your cancer risk. |
Eating Healthy During a Crisis | Food and Animal Science | Nilima Mishra & Dr. Kristopher R. Grimes | April 2020 | Fact Sheet | Publication covers eating healthy and nutritious food during difficult time |
Managing Vaginal Prolapses | Animal Health | Dr. Jerusha (Jessie) Lay | March 2020 | Fact Sheet | This publication covers how to manage and treat vaginal prolapses in cattle. |
Neurologic Listeriosis in Sheep and Goats | Animal Health | Dr. Jerusha (Jessie) Lay | March 2020 | Fact Sheet | This publication covers what neurologic listeriosis in sheep is, where it comes from, what are the symptoms, is it treatable, and how to prevent it. |
Growing Herbs in Containers | Urban Agriculture | Dr. Leigh Whittinghill | January 2020 | Fact Sheet | Publication covers choosing your container, and planting and caring for your herbs |
Harvesting and Using Herbs | Urban Agriculture | Dr. Leigh Whittinghill | April 2020 | Fact Sheet | Publication covers the different types of herbs, when to harvest and dry them. |
Cucumbers | Urban Agriculture | Dr. Leigh Whittinghill | January 2020 | Fact Sheet | Publication covers basic tips on planting, caring for, harvesting, storage, using and cooking with cucumbers. |
Eggplant | Urban Agriculture | Dr. Leigh Whittinghill | January 2020 | Fact Sheet | Publication covers basic tips on planting, caring for, harvesting, storage, using and cooking with eggplants. |
Lettuce | Urban Agriculture | Dr. Leigh Whittinghill | January 2020 | Fact Sheet | Publication covers basic tips on planting, caring for, harvesting, storage, and using lettuce. |
Mustard Greens | Urban Agriculture | Dr. Leigh Whittinghill | January 2020 | Fact Sheet | Publication covers basic tips on planting, caring for, harvesting, storage, using and cooking with Mustard Greens. |
Summer Squash | Urban Agriculture | Dr. Leigh Whittinghill | April 2020 | Fact Sheet | Publication covers basic tips on planting, caring for, harvesting, storage, using and cooking with Summer Squash. |
Carrots | Urban Agriculture | Dr. Leigh Whittinghill | January 2020 | Fact Sheet | Publication covers basic tips on planting, care and harvesting carrots. |
Aquaculture at KSU | Food and Animal Science | Dr. James Tidwell | April 2019 | Fact Sheet | Publications covers KSU's Aquaculture academic programs |
Tips and Tricks for Starting a Backyard Garden | Urban Agriculture | Dr. Leigh Whittinghill | July 2019 | Fact Sheet | Publication covers basic tips and tricks for starting a backyard garden. |
How Honeybees Make Beeswax Comb | Food and Animal Science | Dr. Tom Wester | April 2019 | Fast Sheet | Publication covers how and why beeswax combs are constructed and uses for beeswax. |
Garlic | Food and Animal Science | Dr. Leigh Whittinghill | July 2019 | Fact Sheet | Publication covers planting, care and harvest, and storage and use of garlic |
Green Onions | Food and Animal Science | Dr. Leigh Whittinghill | July 2019 | Fact Sheet | Publication covers planting, care, and harvesting green onions. |
Going Gluten Free | Food and Animal Science | Dr. Kristopher R. Grimes | April 2019 | Fact Sheet | This publication covers what is gluten, Celiac Diese and Non-Celiac Gluten Sensitivities. |
The Importance of Vitamin A | Food and Animal Science | Dr. Kristopher R. Grimes & Nilima Mishra | April 2019 | Fact Sheet | Publication covers why Vitamin A is important, Vitamin A deficiencies and the best source of Vitamin A. |
Health and Hydration | Food and Animal Science | Dr. Kristopher R. Grimes | April 2019 | Fact Sheet | This publication covers the dangers of dehydration and how to stay hydrated. |
Fans for Fads: Are Fad Diets Helpful? | Food and Animal Science | Dr. Kristopher R. Grimes | April 2019 | Fact Sheet | This publication covers some of the latest, popular diets. Are they healthy or not? |
Onions | Food and Animal Science | Dr. Leigh Whittinghill | April 2019 | Fact Sheet | This publication covers the planting, care, and harvest of onions. |
Forest Production of Pawpaw | Food and Animal Science | Ms. Sheri Crabtree & Dr. Kirk Pomper | April 2019 | Fact Sheet | Publication covers a Pawpaw introduction and how to select a Pawpaw site. |
Organic Production of Pawpaw | Food and Animal Science | Dr. Kirk Pomper, Ms. Sheri Crabtree, & Mr. Jeremy Lowe | July 2019 | Fact Sheet | Publication covers an introduction of organic production of Pawpaw with a definition of organic. |
All About Pawpaws | Food and Animal Science | Ms. Sheri Crabtree, Mr. Jeremy Lowe, & Dr. Kirk Pomper | July 2019 | Fact Sheet | This publication covers what is a Pawpaw, growing Pawpaws, and what you can do with Pawpaws. |
Peppers | Food and Animal Science | Dr. Leigh Whittinghill | July 2019 | Fact Sheet | Publication covers the planting, care, and harvesting of peppers. |
Making a Salsa Garden | Food and Animal Science | Dr. Leigh Whittinghill | July 2019 | Fact Sheet | This publication covers planning a home themed garden. |
Tomatoes | Food and Animal Science | Dr. Leigh Whittinghill | July 2019 | Fact Sheet | This publication covers the planting, care, and harvest of tomatoes. |
Getting More Bang For Your Buck | Family and Consumer Science | Dr. Joanne Bankston | May 2016 | Fact Sheet | Designed for limited resource families, this tool takes participants through the steps for making a spending plan. |
Stretching Your Holiday Dollar | Family and Consumer Science | Dr. Joanne Bankston | May 2015 | Fact Sheet | Provides useful tips on budgeting for the holidays. |
Worksheet for Holiday Budgeting | Family and Consumer Science | Dr. Joanne Bankston | May 2015 | Worksheet | Simple worksheets for organizing and tracking holiday expenses, companion piece to "Stretching Your Holiday Dollar" |
Money Power for College Students | Family and Consumer Science | Dr. Joanne Bankston | May 2015 | Brochure | Provides money saving strategies for college students. |
Companion Worksheet for Money Power Brochure | Family and Consumer Science | Dr. Joanne Bankston | May 2015 | Worksheet | Provides tools for helping college students manage money. |
Double Sided Goat Feeder | Food and Animal Science | Stephen Harrod | 2012 | Brochure | Plans for building a goat feeder for use with goats, the feeder includes a hay rack. |
Goat Breeding Practices | Food and Animal Science | Dr. Ken Andries | 2009 | Fact Sheet | This publication lists management practices and recommended procedures to increase success of breeding in meat goats. |
Kidding Season Practices | Food and Animal Science | Dr. Ken Andries | 2009 | Fact Sheet | Publication covers basic care and management of does and kids at kidding to increase survival of newborn kids. |
Goat Production | Food and Animal Science | Dr. Ken Andries, Terry Hutchens, & Patty Scharko | 2009 | Fact Sheet | Publication covers the basic care and management of goats including selection, breeding, nutrition, and health care, it is designed for people starting meat goat production but is useful for producers of all skill levels. |
Estimating Winter Hay Needs | Food and Animal Science | Dr. Ken Andries | May 2006 | Fact Sheet | Work sheet that helps producers estimate the amount of hay needed for their herd through the winter, is based on goats but is also useful for sheep and can be easily converted for cattle. |