Environmental Studies Logo
The logo representing the Master of Science in Environmental Studies is a rooted tree
silhouetted against the sun rising over the green fields of Kentucky’s Bluegrass region. The
logo symbolizes concepts of diversity, cycling, balance, and place. The importance
of each of these concepts is reinforced throughout the Master of Science in Environmental
Studies Program.
Diversity is represented by the many branches that make up the above and below-ground portions of the tree. Biodiversity is the foundation of resilience and adaptability in natural systems. Respect for diverse perspectives and ideas is crucial to the development of critical thinking skills. Addressing environmental issues demands that many branches of knowledge be applied together.
The circular logo represents the cycles inherent in natural systems. The deciduous tree reinforces the concept of cycling. The tree loses its leaves each fall, feeding the soil. It grows new leaves each spring, drawing nutrients from the soil. Addressing environmental issues requires respect for natural cycles, and a shift from dependence on non-renewable resources to sustainable use of resources that are renewed through natural cycles.
Balance is symbolized by the two equal halves of the circle and by the equal emphasis on the above and below-ground portions of the tree. Ecological balance is the term used to describe the dynamic equilibrium that characterizes healthy ecosystems. A balance of perspectives is essential to critical and objective evaluation of ideas.
The KSU colors, green and gold, emphasize the history and place in which the MES program is rooted. The golden sun represents the fundamental renewable resource — solar energy — that supports life everywhere. The green fields of the Bluegrass region represent KSU’s homeplace, and remind us of KSU’s commitment to stewardship of that home. Rooted in place, drawing on the renewable energy of that place, the tree’s branches extend beyond the confines of the circle to represent the far-reaching impact the MES program can have.