Online Masters of Arts in Special Education with Certification (LBD, P-12)
The School of Education and Human Development (SEHD) offers an online program for the Master of Arts (MA) in Special Education with Certification in Learning and Behavior Disorders (P-12). The intent of this program, which is referred to as the MASPE program, is to increase the diminished supply of special education teachers by targeting qualified college graduates, including those whose degree is in fields other than education. MASPE instructors will guide students to move expeditiously through an intensive training and clinical experience, to become certified special education teachers, and obtain a Master’s degree. The program is recognized by the Education Professional Standards Board (EPSB) and provides students three different distinct tracks for a special education certification (Option 6-Initial alternative certification track, Initial traditional certification, and Advanced traditional certification). Option 6 – alternative certification opportunity for those who wish to serve as Temporary Provisional (TP-TC) certified teachers in Special Education classrooms throughout the Commonwealth. It is designed specifically to lead to teacher certification in the area of Learning and Behavior Disorders (LBD, P-12). Initial traditional certification is designed for individuals who are not certified teachers but seek initial teaching certification in LBD. Advanced traditional certification is designed for individuals who are certified in another area may seek an “add-on” certification in LBD. When successful graduates are employed as teachers in the Commonwealth of Kentucky, they are classified and compensated as Rank II.
The MASPE program is founded on personal student support, high expectations, relevant and practical experiences, and distance learning technology. From the beginning, candidates are monitored in how to succeed in an electronic educational environment and they are provided 24/7/365 support in accessing course content, instructors, and colleagues from wherever Internet service is available.
The MASPE program consists of a series of carefully designed, interactive accelerated
coursework and field experiences. Each semester of coursework consists of two eight-week
sessions that are delivered utilizing a variety of instructional electronic modalities.
The online program requires 200 hours of field experiences prior to the final clinical
experience. The only difference in requirements for students with varying experiential
backgrounds is the final clinical course.
All students except option 6 candidates are required to complete a practicum/student
teaching experience (ESP 574 or ESP 575). Each experience must be in an accredited
public school classroom which contains students with Individual Education Plans (IEPs)
in the area of Learning and Behavior Disorders (LBD). Each student must apply for
permission to enroll in the Practicum/Student Teaching course and be approved by the
Teacher Education Committee (TEC). Applications for Practicum/Student Teaching, including
all supporting evidence, must be submitted to the SEHD office in Hathaway Hall Room
108 by the deadline of the semester prior to the semester he or she wishes to complete
the practicum experience (Fall Deadline: October 15th; Spring Deadline: March 15th).
The following courses are required:
ESP 502: Legal & Parental Issues in Special Education
ESP 504: Theories of Reading & Educational Practices P-12
ESP 505: Teaching Mathematics to Children and Youth with Learning & Behavior Disorders
ESP 507: Introduction to Special Education
ESP 510: Curriculum and Methods in Learning and Behavior Disorders
ESP 511: Methods & Strategies in Behavior Management
ESP 515: Research in Special Education
ESP 523: The Individual with LD: Learning & Development through the Lifespan
ESP 524: Instructional Assessment Methods
ESP 525: Inclusion, Collaboration, & Advocacy
ESP 526: Prescriptive Teaching
ESP 574: Supervised Teaching in Special Education OR
ESP 575: Supervised Student Teaching in Special Education