Environmental Education

Picture of EERC. Kentucky State University

Environmental Education

Encouraging environmental stewardship and resource protection is of key importance to Kentucky State University’s Extension program. Environmental education programs are designed to educate and inspire Kentuckians to take positive actions to ameliorate many of the pressing environmental problems that we face today. Forestry, watersheds, sustainable food systems, outdoor education and recreation, and air quality are just some of the multiple topics we address with the public in hands-on, engaging workshops, trainings, and field days. Kentucky State University’s Extension program works with stakeholders to find solutions for action to protect our valuable natural resources for economic, social, health, recreational and aesthetic purposes.
The Environmental Education and Research Center (EERC), a 307-acre forested preserve located in Henry County, Ky., has served as a resource for trainings and workshops for county agents, formal classroom teachers, and non-formal educators on best practices for integrating the environment into educational settings while meeting state and federal academic standards. Workshops are also offered to youth and community groups from across Kentucky on watersheds, forestry, energy, habitat restoration and other environmental topics.

Soil Science

Kentucky State University’s soil science Extension activities focus primarily on educating farmers about improved soil conservation practices that promote soil health. We encourage farmers to incorporate the use of manure, cover crops and crop rotation and other soil conservation practices into their farming systems to reduce soil degradation, increase agricultural resilience and sustainability, and to reduce impacts from anticipated climate variation. Much of this Extension work is accomplished through demonstration days, in which Kentucky State University’s soil scientists engage farmers in an open discussion and dialogue with the aim of increasing awareness, appreciation, understanding and skills needed to protect susceptible agricultural soils from further degradation.

Maheteme Gebremedhin, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor of Soil Science
(502) 597-6830