Environmental Studies Course Descriptions

Lab still

This course is intended for those with theoretical and practical interest in environmental issues and is designed to provide a wide range of subjects and practical work experience using standard methods, concepts and equipment in environmental science. The fate and transport of pollutants in the environment and their final destination, dilution, dispersion, adsorption, persistence, degradation, their adverse effects, and the route that the toxin in question takes in the environment will be discussed and possible solutions and remediation techniques will be presented.

Core Courses

  • ENV 501: Introduction to Environmental Studies (3)
    Introductory course to the interdisciplinary field of environmental studies with special emphasis on the relationship between human activities and the environment. Credit: 3 semester hours.
  • ENV 502: Population and Community Ecology (3)
    This course covers advanced ecological theory and applications relating to population and community dynamics, including population growth, species interactions, diversity, disturbance, succession, food webs, and their relation to conservation biology. Credit: 3 semester hours.
  • ENV 503: MES Student Team Project (3)
    The Student Team Project is a community service and educational program by the KSU MES Program. It is a one semester effort by teams of three to five students attempting to solve a current environmental problem facing a community organization or governmental unit in close proximity to KSU. Student team projects, required of all first-year students, mix students from different backgrounds and place them in contact with faculty members, government officials, and community leaders. Team members will gain experience initiating and terminating a long-term project, managing team members with diverse backgrounds, and collecting and disseminating information. Credit: 3 semester hours.
  • ENV 509 Biostatistics (3)
    Basic principles of experimental design and data analysis with emphasis on their applications in environmental studies and aquaculture research.
  • ENV 511 Energy and the Environment (3)
    Integrated study of the environmental impact of human energy use patterns. Overview of current energy resources, current energy production and use patterns, alternative energy production options, and environmental, social, and economic consequences of each.
  • ENV 600 MES Research (1-9)
    Students design and conduct original field and/or laboratory-based research to test a hypothesis. Experimental design and methods must be approved by a committee prior to initiation of research. The research should allow statistical data analysis and make an original contribution to the field of Environmental Studies.
  • ENV 601 MES Thesis (1-3)
    Preparation and defense of research-based thesis making an original contribution to the field of Environmental Studies.
  • ENV 699 MES Capstone (6)
    The independent capstone project is designed in collaboration with an interdisciplinary advisory committee of two or three selected KSU faculty/research members.

Elective Courses

  • ENV 507: Agroforestry: Local and Global Perspectives (3)
    Students will examine and have an understanding of how different agroforestry systems function with landscapes across multiple scales (plot, watershed, landscape) and how these systems contribute to achieving multiple benefits (environmental, social, economic, etc.). Credit: 3 semester hours.
  • ENV 508: Introduction to Geographic Information Systems (3)
    This graduate course will expose students to the concepts, software, data and analysis processes of Geographic Information Systems (GIS). Students will develop a real world, working knowledge of GIS through hands-on work with mapping software, its potential, its limitations and future trends in the mapping industry. MES graduate students will develop a real world project that examines spatial data and utilizes modeling software to create a quality, full scale, mapping product. Credit: 3 semester hours.
  • ENV 513/AQU 513: Aquatic Ecology (4)
    This course investigates the interaction of aquatic organisms with their biotic and abiotic environment. Sampling and laboratory methods of limnological analysis will be covered. Credit: 4 semester hours.
  • ENV 515: Environmental Ethics (3)
    This course explores a wide range of issues in contemporary environmental ethics. Employing one of the most respected anthologies in the field, the course will engage such important issues as the nature of environmental ethics, who counts in environmental ethics, and is sustainability possible. Credit: 3 semester hours.
  • ENV 516: Environmental Justice (3)
    Prerequisites: MES program admission.This course attempts a critical investigation of major issues in environmental justice, including tensions between justice for ecosystems and justice for urban populations; regional as well as global issues are examined. Credit: 3 semester hours.
  • ENV 517: Environmental and Resource Economics (3)
    This course will cover topics such as application of microeconomics on environmental problems, elements of renewable resource and forestry economics, cost-benefit analysis of environmental renewal projects, economics of the environmental impacts of different agricultural practices such as livestock farming, aquaculture, and chemical use in row crop farming. Credit: 3 semester hours.
  • ENV 519: Sustainable Agriculture Systems (3)
    Exploration of the ecological effects of modern intensive agriculture, and the challenge of attaining a secure supply of food through ecologically sound and sustainable practices. The definition, emergence, and growth of sustainable agriculture will be discussed along with pertinent soil, crop and livestock management practices. Credit: 3 semester hours.
  • ENV 525: Organic Agriculture (3)
    Principles and practices of organic agriculture are presented in the context of their historical, philosophical, economic, and scientific underpinnings. Students will develop a broad theoretical and practical understanding of organic agriculture. Prerequisites: MAT 120 or MAT 125 or Consent of Instructor. Credit: 3 semester hours.
  • ENV 535: Urban Agriculture (3)
    Examine contributions of food gardens to community health and food system sustainability. Explore potential of compact urban agriculture to offset community food needs through high and low input production. Gain hands-on experiences with tools, techniques and practices used to grow and process food and ornamental crops in urban environments. Credit: 3 semester hours.
  • ENV 540: Ornamental and Landscape Plants (3)
    This course provides an understanding of the identification, morphology, classification, nomenclature and adaptability of ornamental plants in landscape environments. The use of plants in home, business, and park landscapes to reduce water use, pollutants, energy and labor inputs is examined. Credit: 3 semester hours.
  • ENV 542: Plant Propagation and Production (3)
    This course provides an understanding of both traditional plant propagation and tissue culture as well as sustainable plant production systems. Plant propagation is a critical part of nursery and greenhouse management not only to reduce production costs but also to maximize the potential profit. Sustainable practices and production of horticultural crops is also examined to reduce water use, pollutants, energy, and labor inputs. Topics covered also include soil, plant nutrition, pest, and disease management that are essential for small scale farmers. Prerequisite: AFE 217 or consent of instructor. Credit: 3 semester hours.
  • ENV 545: Molecular Techniques for Environmental and Aquatic Studies (3)
    Prerequisite: BIO 111 or consent of instructor.This course examines how molecular biological approaches are used to address major issues in environmental biology. Lecture/laboratories examine how molecular methods can be applied to wildlife management, ecology, pollution control and remediation, and environmental health. Prerequisite: BIO 111 or consent of instructor. Credit: 3 semester hours.
  • ENV 550: Human Health and Environment (3)
    Prerequisites: BIO 111, CHE 101, and CHE 110.  This course is intended for those interested in theoretical and hands on training with a biomedical approach to the field of human health and the environment. Students taking this multidisciplinary course will have a holistic understanding of how the physical, chemical and biological factors of the environment impact human health. Credit: 3 semester hours.
  • ENV 551: Livestock Production Practices (3)
    Prerequisites: AFE 211.  Course will explore conventional and alternative production practices for the major livestock species produced in Kentucky. Students will learn about organic, forage based, and natural production practices and how they compare to conventional production. They will have hands on experience with working with livestock to learn basic handling and management procedures. The class includes field trips to different farms and hands on activities.  Credit: 3 semester hours.
  • ENV 555: Food Safety and Microbiology (3)
    Prerequisites: BIO 111, CHE 101, and CHE 110.  This course in intended for those with theoretical and practical interest in the field of food sciences, especially those interested in a wide range of subjects and hands on/practical approaches in microbial food processes, general food safety, public health and epidemiology. Various aspects of food production, maintenance, supply chains, potential contaminations, introduction to food borne toxins and outbreaks of food borne infections, safe food handling and preparation techniques will be introduced to the students. Credit: 3 semester hours.
  • ENV 560: Agricultural and Environmental Policy (3)
    This course provides an introduction to issue in agricultural and environmental policy, with an emphasis on environmental management strategies, environmental and human health risks such as toxicity, environmental issues in agriculture, and climate change. Credit: 3 semester hours.
  • ENV 565: Environmental Law (3)
    This course provides an introduction to major issues in the field of environmental law with particular emphasis on federal environmental law and the roles of states in enforcement. Credit: 3 semester hours.
  • ENV 585 Special Topics (3)
    This course requires intensive examination of an Agriculture, Health, and Natural Resources science topic chosen by a faculty member in Agriculture, Health, and Natural Resources. This course will require intensive reading and discussion, as well as writing. Credit: 3 semester hours.
  • ENV 589 Remote Sensing of the Environment (3)
    Prerequisite: Consent of instructor. The course introduces fundamental principles of remote sensing applications for recording electromagnetic energy from the earth’s surface for studying vegetation, soil, water, and urban infrastructure. Credit: 3 semester hours.
  • ENV 595 Environmental Science & Bioremediation Techniques (3)
    Prerequisite: BIO 101 and CHE 101. This course is intended for those with theoretical and practical interest in environmental issues and is designed to provide a wide range of subjects and practical work experience using standard methods, concepts and equipment in environmental science. The fate and transport of pollutants in the environment and their final destination, dilution, dispersion, adsorption, persistence, degradation, their adverse effects, and the route that the toxin in question takes in the environment will be discussed and possible solutions and remediation techniques will be presented. Credit: 3 semester hours.
  • ENV 600: Research (19)
    Students design and conduct original field and/or laboratory-based research to test a hypothesis. Experimental design and methods must be approved by a committee prior to initiation of research. The research should allow statistical data analysis and make an original contribution to the field of Environmental Studies. Credit: 19 semester hours.
  • ENV 601: Thesis (1-3)
    Preparation and defense of research based thesis making an original contribution to the field of Environmental Studies. Credit: 1-3 semester hours.
  • ENV 699: MES Capstone Research Project (6)
    The independent research capstone project would be designed in collaboration with an interdisciplinary advisory committee of three selected KSU faculty/research members. This is a yearlong project which will serve as the culminating activity for the MES degree. Pass or Fail Only. Students will complete the capstone project over two semesters of three credit hours each semester for a total of six credit hours. May be repeated once. Credit: 6 semester hours.