Title III Program
The Title III Office is responsible for the administration of the Title III, FUTURE Act, and HBCU Master's Programs. The funds are provided to improve and strengthen the University's academic quality, academic stability, improving the quality of student services, and improving the quality of institutional management.
Title III also ensures all University policies and procedures, many of which are governed by State Government regulations, the United States Department of Education’s General Administrative Regulations (EDGAR), and other federal regulations and standards, are followed.
Important Information
September 4, 2024
Greetings KSU Faculty and Staff,
Effective immediately, there is a freeze on all current Title III financial support of KSU Training and Professional Development projects. They include:
- Tuition Assistance
- Funding for Professional Development Travel
- Funding for Outside sources of Continuing Education
At this time, there is a need to re-evaluate the current policies and procedures related to disbursements of financial support for these programs. There will be follow up information in the coming weeks.
If you have any questions, please contact the Title III Office.
Office of Title III Programs
Julian M. Carroll
ASB Building, Suite 256
400 E. Main Street
Frankfort, KY 40601
Mission Statement
The Kentucky State University (KSU) Title III Program is committed to supporting the mission of the institution. Title III serves as the central asminstrative office for the management of Title III federally funded activities. The primary focus is to provide asministrative oversight through planning, management and budgetary accountablility with emphasis on four (4) areas: Institutional Mangement, Fiscal Stability, Academic Quality and Student Services & Outcomes. Additionally, the office serves as the liaison between KSU and the U.S. Department of Education, Institutional Services Division.
Title III 2023-2024 Funded Activites
Histiorical Black Colleges and Univerites, Part B
Project Name | Activity Director(s) | Purpose | ||
Program |
Spacer |
Ms. DeAnna L. Brown | Spacer |
Program Adminstration |
Ms. Amy Olds | Strengthen Student Leadership Capacity through Training, Preparation & Exposure | |
Dr. Stephanie Mayberry | Strengthens Student Leadership Capacity through Training Preparation and Exposure - Counseling Center and Innobation and Creativity Lab | |
Strengthen Student Leadership Capacity through Preparation and Exposure |
Ms. Jennifer Linton | Academic Improvements through Building Renovations - Expansion of Library Learning & Collaboration Center | |
Dr. Scott Wicker Ms. Candace Raglin |
Expanding Faculty and Staff Development for Greater Student Success | |
Dr. Scott Wicker | Enhancing Student Academic Quality: Strengthens Student Writing Through the Establishment of a University Writing Center | |
Mr. Michael DeCourcy |
Fostering Undergraduate Talent by Unlocking Resources for Education Act (FUTURE Act)
Project Name | Activity Director(s) | Purpose |
Dr. Mary Ellen Broaddus | Strengthening the Nursing Program |
IT/Library | Dr. Wendy Dixie Ms. Sheila Stuckey |
Institutional Management |
Historical Black Colleges and Universities (Graduate)
Project Name | Activity Director(s) | Purpose |
HBCU Master's | Dr. Michael Dailey Dr. Chi Shen |
Strengthening Student Preparation for Excellence - Implementing a High-Quality Online STEM-field Graduate Program |