Kentucky State University Awarded $1.2 million to Support Urban Forestry

Kentucky State University (KSU) was recently awarded a $1.2 million dollar grant from the 1890 Universities Foundation through their “Rising from Roots” Competitive Grants Program to create green space through tree plantings in urban areas that will play a critical role in enhancing the quality of life for urban populations by providing essential ecosystem services such as improved air and water quality, reduced urban heat, and increased mental and physical well-being.

The three-year project titled, “Growing Urban Tree Canopy Equity: Enhancing Minority Communities through Strategic Tree Planting and Workforce Development in Kentucky,” seeks to address disparities in distribution of green coverage in Louisville, KY between neighborhoods of differing socioeconomic statuses. This disparity aggravates existing health inequities, limits job opportunities, and hinders access to healthy food options that disproportionately affect marginalized communities, particularly communities of color.

This effort will be led by KSU research and extension personnel from the School of Agriculture and Natural Resources including principal investigators, Jody Thompson, Senior Research and Extension Associate for Forestry and Natural Resources; Dr. Suraj Upadhaya, Assistant Professor of Sustainable Systems; and Dr. Kirk Pomper, Professor of Horticulture.

“We are grateful to the 1890 Universities Foundation for their support of KSU as we seek to address urban tree canopy inequities through this comprehensive project. We will not only make immediate impacts through the planting of shade and fruit trees, but we will also lead for impact within the growing field of urban forestry by developing workforce training programs and a customizable training manual that will expand the benefits of this project beyond our project sites in Louisville,” said KSU President Dr. Koffi C. Akakpo.

Louisville is recognized as one of the nation’s most severe urban heat islands, with areas experiencing severe heat stress due to insufficient tree canopy. Neighborhoods experiencing this are primarily inhabited by minority populations and are affected by increased exposure to harmful environmental conditions such as air pollution, asthma triggers, cancer, lead poisoning, and poor health, as well as limited access to fresh food. To tackle this issue, KSU will implement a comprehensive urban forestry program that integrates tree planting, workforce development, and food security initiatives.

KSU will partner with local organizations to take an innovative approach to urban forestry through the strategic planting of shade trees and fruit trees that target communities’ environmental conditions and nutritional needs. At the same time, KSU will implement a workforce development program in urban forestry to manage the trees while also training individuals with the skills and opportunities needed to enter the growing field of urban forestry.

To fill the gap in urban forestry workforce shortages, in later stages of this project, KSU will also host an intensive urban forestry training program for undergraduate students from 1890 Land-Grant Institutions interested in receiving several weeks of industry and community-relevant training in urban forestry.

“We are excited to develop a forestry program specially designed to enhance the environmental and nutritional needs for Kentucky residents and communities. This project highlights the core focus of KSU’s mission as a Land Grant university – provide real world solutions for Kentuckians,” said Dr. Marcus Bernard, Dean of the College of Agriculture, Health, and Natural Resources and Director of Land Grant Programs.