Kentucky State University Historian speaks at Black History Speaker Series

Kentucky State University Historian speaks at Black History Speaker Series

Posted on February 27, 2023

Dr. TaKeia Anthony, interim dean of the Whitney Young Honors Collegium and Graduate Studies, discussed the significance of teaching Black History in Kentucky at the inaugural Black History Speaker Series hosted by the Kentucky Black Legislative Caucus, the Kentucky Historical Society, and the African American Initiative at the Old Capitol Inn on February 21.

“It was an honor to represent Kentucky State University. Black history is American history and should be equally and truthfully taught to all students in the Commonwealth,” said Anthony.

Anthony noted the influence of her grandparents, Kentucky State University graduates—Class of 1936 and 1939 as her most significant influence on learning and teaching Black history and for her activism. “The absence of Black history in schools and textbooks inspired me to become a historian,” said Anthony as she advised others to get involved and teach Black history in the Commonwealth by starting to learn, preserve and share their family history.