Bomb threat investigation complete - all clear
Law enforcement officials have completed an investigation of the bomb threat that Kentucky State University received earlier this morning. University Police, local and state law enforcement agencies searched all campus facilities and have issued an all-clear. The shelter-in-place is lifted and it is now safe to return to campus.
Virtual classes are authorized for the rest of the day. Employees should report to work. Residential students may resume accessing dining and student facilities. Normal operations and classes will resume Wednesday, Feb. 2. As a precaution and until further notice, students and employees will be required to use their campus ID to enter campus and campus buildings.
The campus community is encouraged to remain cognizant of surroundings and to report suspicious activity to University Police at (502) 597-6878. Continue to stay updated, check your university email, www.kysu.edu, and university social media platforms. Sign up to receive emergency notifications at www.kysu.edu/bredalerts.