Kentucky State University Mighty Marching Thorobreds claim the top spot in The Undefeated’s final rankings

Kentucky State University Mighty Marching Thorobreds claim the top spot in The Undefeated’s final rankings

The Kentucky State University Mighty Marching Thorobreds claimed the top spot in ESPN's The Undefeated’s final HBCU band rankings of 2021. 

Kentucky State began the season unranked in NCAA Division II, rose to fourth in the second rankings, third in the third rankings and now first in the final rankings. The Undefeated credited the final ranking to a top-three finish for the Mighty Marching Thorobreds in auxiliaries; pictures, drill and design; and drum major. 

According to The Undefeated, “The rankings, conducted by two six-person panels of current and retired band directors and historically Black college and university choreographers, evaluate bands on musicality; pictures, drill and design; percussion; auxiliaries; and drum majors. Judges critique the bands’ routines, then provide feedback to the programs.”

Click here to read the The Undefeated recap of the final rankings.