Kentucky State University Gospel Ensemble to bring back student directors for the Spring Extravaganza
The Kentucky State University Gospel Ensemble will host its annual Spring Extravaganza Sunday, April 29 at 5:30 p.m. in the Carl H. Smith Auditorium of David H. Bradford Hall on the University’s campus.
“This will be the Gospel Ensemble’s 49th-year Spring Extravaganza,” Mario J. Radford, director of the KSU Gospel Ensemble, said. “We will include former student directors this year as a prelude to our 50th-year Spring Reunion in April 2019. People can expect to hear a well-balanced presentation of contemporary, traditional and much more from the Gospel Ensemble this year.”
One of the student directors coming back is Tonya Triplett.
“I’m thankful for the opportunity to return to my alma mater,” Triplett said. “Every time I enter Bradford Hall, all the memories flood my soul! I shared with the current choir the importance of remembering they stand on the shoulders of a rich and relevant foundation known as Gospel Ensemble. I’m honored to be a part of that legacy.”
Triplett said her time as a student director was life changing.
“Little did I know that God was preparing me for my future ministry calling through this platform,” Triplett said. “As the leader of GE (Gospel Ensemble), I quickly learned that it was more than the music. Not only was I responsible for maintaining the integrity of the music department of Kentucky State, but more importantly being authentic in my walk with Christ on a college campus.”
James Davis is another student director coming back for the event.
“My experience at Kentucky State include some of the greatest memories of my life,” Davis said. “It was family-oriented, spiritual, as well as a journey of life lessons.”
This year’s theme for the Spring Extravaganza is God is DOPE! Special guests include Designed by Grace, the University of Southern Indiana Gospel Choir.
According to University officials, the Gospel Ensemble was organized during the mid-1960s and is now an official academic course at the University. Student membership in the Gospel Ensemble is open to all Kentucky State students.
General admission is $5. Admission for students with a Kentucky State student ID and children under 7 are free. For more information, contact Mario J. Radford at (502) 597-6053 or mario.radford@kysu.edu. Don’t miss this opportunity to hear and support the Kentucky State University Gospel Ensemble.