KSU School of Business students win awards at Student Research Day ceremony
Kentucky State University’s School of Business recognized its students’ achievements Thursday evening during its Student Research Day in the Student Center Ballroom. More than 90 students, faculty and guests attended the awards ceremony as the event honored undergraduate and graduate students for their oral presentations and posters.
The criteria for judging were content, organization, data analysis, writing conventions and background information. The posters were based on presentation topics.
The list of winners:
Graduate — Poster
First place: Zhengyu Chen — “Managing the Employee Turnover at Kroger: A Quantitative Analysis.”
Second place: Sait Sarr — “Corporate Strategy in a Monopolistic Competitive Restaurant Market: The Case of Applebee’s in Louisville, Ky.”
Graduate — Oral presentation
First place: Kyle DeLong — “An Empirical Analysis of Market Share and Profit Maximization in the Broadcast Industry.”
Second place: Frances Zay Zay– The Economic Analysis of Lotteries in the State of Kentucky.”
Third place: Sait Sarr — “Corporate Strategy in a Monopolistic Competitive Restaurant Market: The Case of Applebee’s in Louisville, Ky.”
Undergraduate — Poster
First place: Eve Ann Jones — “Brain Aneurysm, Healthcare Costs and Its Financial Implications.”
Second place: Hannah Gomez — “The Hidden Cost of Free Trade.
Third place: Don Hall A Market Analysis of the Hemp Industry in Kentucky.”
Undergraduate — Oral Presentation
First place: Cameron Beale — “Loan Portfolio Management: A Study of a Small Bank in Kentucky.”
Second place: Eve Ann Jones — “Brain Aneurysm, Healthcare Costs and Its Financial Implications.”
Third place: Thomas Haynes, Mark Mosley, Morgan Mosley, Terrica Sawyers and Monique Woodson – “Applied Marketing Research.”

Economics professor Dr. Abdul Turay, left, congratulates KSU student Cameron Beale for winning first place in his oral presentation.

Economics professor Dr. Abdul Turay congratulates KSU student Hannah Gomez for her second-place honor at the Student Research Day ceremony in the Student Center Ballroom.

SGA vice president Ralph Williams receives an honor from Dr. Abdul Turay during the Student Research Day ceremony.