Robert Durborow, Ph.D.

Assistant Research Director
Academic Affairs
College of Agriculture, Health, and Natural Resources

Aquaculture Research Facility
MPB 112
103 Athletic Dr.
Frankfort, KY 40601


Phone: (502) 597-6581

Robert Durborow



Extension Focus

Educate residents of Kentucky and surrounding states in all aspects of aquaculture using workshops, field trials and demonstrations, farm visits, publications, and fish disease diagnosis.

Teaching Curriculum

  • Water Quality Management class and laboratory. AQU/BIO 460 (undergraduate course) and AQU 560 (graduate course), Kentucky State University. 4 credits. Spring Semester 1992 and Fall Semester 1995, 1997, 1999, 2001, 2003, 2005, 2007
  • Fish Diseases class and laboratory. AQUBIO 411 (undergraduate course) and AQU 511 (graduate course), Kentucky State University. 4 credits. Fall Semester, 1994, 1996, 1998, 2000, 2002, 2004, 2006

Current and Recent Projects

  • Fish Disease Cases in the KSU Fish Diseases Diagnostic Laboratory
  • Developing online courses in water quality and fish diseases
  • Aquaculture Safety grant with the University of Kentucky
  • Koi production Field Trials/Demonstrations around the state

Selected Publications

  • Durborow, R.M., Roman Kuchta, and Tomáš Scholz. 2014. Paddlefish Diseases. In: Paddlefish Aquaculture, Life Sciences, Wiley-Blackwell Publishing, John Wiley & Sons, Inc., Hoboken, New Jersey. (submitted for publication in 2013).
  • Durborow, R.M. 2014. Management of aquatic weeds. In B. S. Chauhan (Ed.), Recent Advances in Weed Management ) . Los Baños, Philippines: International Rice Research Institute. (submitted for publication to Springer Science+Media in 2013).
  • Myers, M.L. and R.M. Durborow. 2012. Aquacultural Safety and Health. In: Health and Environment in Aquaculture. Carvalho, D., G.S. David and R.J. Silva, eds, InTech, Rijeka, Croatia. pp. 385-400. Whole book ; Chapter 15
  • Durborow, R.M. 2013. Smaller scale trout production in states other than Idaho. In: Proceedings of special session Challenges of Inland Aquaculture in Temperate Regions organized and moderated by Jim Tidwell at AQUACULTURE 2013, Nashville, TN. February 25.
  • Myers, M.L., R.M. Durborow and H.P. Cole. 2012. Inherently safer aquacultural work: Hierarchical hazard controls. Professional Safety; Journal of the American Society of Safety Engineers (July 2012) 57(7):44-51.
  • Ogunsanya, T.O., R.M. Durborow, M.L. Myers, H.P. Cole, and S.L. Thompson. 2011. Safety on North Carolina and Kentucky Trout Farms: Avoiding Work-Related Hazards. Journal of Agricultural Safety and Health 17(1): 33-61.
  • Durborow, R.M., M.L. Myers, H.P. Cole, T.O. Ogunsanya, and S.L. Thompson. 2011. Trout Farm Safety in North Carolina and Kentucky. In: 2011 National Symposium on Agriculture, Forestry and Fishing Safety and Health Conference Place, Boise, Idaho.
  • Ogunsanya, T., R. Durborow, C. Webster, J. Tidwell, K. Thompson, S. Coyle, H. Jarboe, L. Huang, D. Straus and C. Wang. 2011. Toxicity of rotenone to giant freshwater prawn Macrobrachium rosenbergii. North American Journal of Aquaculture 73:159-163.
  • Durborow, R. M. and B. Gomelsky. 2009. Fish diseases online course in video format. Presentation/Abstract In: Proceedings of Aquaculture America 2009, Seattle, WA.
  • Ogunsanya T., R. Durborow, C. Webster, J. Tidwell, H. Jarboe, C. Wang, L. Huang, and Y. Brady. 2009. Acute toxicity of 5% Prentox® Prenfish™ rotenone to freshwater prawn, Macrobrachium rosenbergii. Presentation/Abstract In: Proceedings of Aquaculture America 2009, Seattle, Washington.
  • Ogunsanya T., H. Cole, R. Durborow, and M. Myers. 2009. Aquaculture safety in Kentucky. Presentation/Abstract In: Proceedings of Aquaculture America 2009, Seattle, WA.
  • Redden, A. J., B. Gomelsky, C. D. Webster, and R. M. Durborow. 2009. Evaluation of synthetic astaxanthin and alfalfa meal as a potential diet additive for color enhancement of koi, Cyprinus carpio. Presentation/Abstract In: Proceedings of Aquaculture America 2009, Seattle, Washington.
  • Amoah, A., S.D. Coyle, C.D. Webster, R.M. Durborow, L.A. Bright, and J.H. Tidwell. 2008. Effects of graded levels of carbohydrate on growth and survival of largemouth bass, Micropterus salmoides. Journal of the World Aquaculture Society 39(3):397-405.
  • Myers, M.L., H.P. Cole, W. Stephens, R. Durborow, T. Ogunsanya. 2008. Simple solutions for safety. Poster presented at External Advisory Committee Meeting, Southeast Center for Agricultural Health and Injury Prevention. October 10, 2008.
  • Durborow, R. M., C. S. Tucker, B. Gomelsky, R. J. Onders and S. D. Mims. 2007. Aquatic Weed Control in Ponds. Kentucky State University. 24 p.
  • Durborow, R.M. 2007. Keeping Ponds Pretty (and Usable). Kentucky Woodlands Magazine. University of Kentucky Forestry Department. p. 10–12, and In: Kentucky Aquatic Farming, volume 20, no. 2. pp. 6-7.
  • Dasgupta, S. and R. Durborow. 2007. Profitability and management of low-tech catfish farming: The case of Kentucky. World Aquaculture, March 2007. p. 14-16.
  • Coyle, S. D., R. M. Durborow and J. H. Tidwell. 2004. Anesthetics in Aquaculture. Southern Regional Aquaculture Center Publication no. 3900. 6 p.
  • Durborow, R.M. 2004. PowerPoints, Videos and Photos for Water Quality Management and Fish Diseases. 2 CD lecture series disseminated to 5 universities collaborating on USDA Teaching Capacity Building Grant.
  • Durborow, R., J. Tidwell, S. Coyle, F. Wynne, and S. Dasgupta. 2003. Freshwater Prawn Production. SRAC-funded educational video. 27 minutes.
  • Durborow, R.M. 2003. Protozoan parasites. Southern Regional Aquaculture Center Publication number 4701. Contains video clips,
  • Durborow, R.M., D.J. Wise, and J.S. Terhune. 2003. Saprolegniasis (winter fungus) and branchiomycosis of commercially cultured channel catfish. Southern Regional Aquaculture Center Publication number 4700.
  • Durborow, R., J. Tidwell, S. Coyle, F. Wynne, and S. Dasgupta. 2003. Freshwater Prawn Production. SRAC funded educational video. 27 minutes.
  • Tidwell, J.H., S. Coyle, R.M. Durborow, S. Dasgupta, W. Wurts, and Forrest Wynne, Leigh Anne Bright, and Aaron VanArnum. 2002. Growout of freshwater prawns in Kentucky ponds. Kentucky State University Aquaculture Program (Program of Distinction) 44 p.
  • Durborow, R.M. 2001. Diseases of Warmwater Fish and Trout Diseases. DVD-ROM with 2 Educational Videos, 54 Publications, and Internet Web Links. Kentucky State University and United States Department of Agriculture. 60 minutes.
  • Durborow, R.M. 2000. Catfish Farming In Kentucky. Kentucky State University, Kentucky Department of Agriculture, and National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. 111 p
  • Durborow, R.M. 2001. Channel Catfish Fingerling Production In Kentucky. Kentucky State University, Kentucky Department of Agriculture, and National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. 20 p.
  • Durborow, R.M. 1999. Health and safety concerns in fisheries and aquaculture. Occupational Medicine: State of the Art Reviews 14:373-406.

Further Reading

  • American Fisheries Society
  • AquaNic
  • Dr. Bill Wurt’s Web site
  • Southern Regional Aquaculture Center
  • World Aquaculture Society
  • for Dr. William Wurts, State Extension Specialist for Aquaculture, U.K. Research and Education Center, P.O. Box 469, Princeton, KY 42445. Phone (502) 365-7541 ext. 200; FAX (502) 365-2667
  • for Mr. Forrest Wynne, Area Extension Specialist for Aquaculture, Center for Rural Development, 2292 South Hwy 27, Suite 200, Somerset, KY 42501. Phone (606) 677-6185; FAX (606) 677-6188
  • for Dr. Steve Mims, Aquaculture Research Center, Kentucky State University, Frankfort, KY 40601. Phone (502) 597-8110; FAX (502) 564-9118
  • for Dr. Jim Tidwell, Aquaculture Research Center, Kentucky State University, Frankfort, KY 40601. Phone (502) 597-8104; FAX (502) 564-9118
  • for Dr. Carl Webster, Aquaculture Research Center, Kentucky State University, Frankfort, KY 40601. Phone (502) 597-8109; FAX (502) 564-9118

Degrees and Certifications

  • A.B., Biology, Lafayette College, Easton, PA, 1978
  • M.S., Fisheries Biology, Louisiana State University, 1981
  • Ph.D., Fisheries and Allied Aquacultures, Auburn University, 1986

Specializes in Agriculture Administration, Aquaculture production and disease diagnostics.