Chi Shen, Ph.D.

Dean College of Business, Engineering & Technology
Academic Affairs
College of Business, Engineering, and Technology

J.S. Hathaway Hall
Suite 314C
204 University Drive
Frankfort, KY 40601


Phone: (502) 597-6083
Fax: (502) 597-6179



Before Dr. Shen joined KSU, she was an associate professor in the Department of Mathematics at the North China Electric Power University. She won the prize of First Rank in a Teaching Methodology Competition final among 110 junior faculty from 58 universities and colleges in China. Dr. Shen’s primary research interests are parallel computing, scientific computing, database and data mining, and information retrieval. She is currently supervising undergraduate and graduate students in many collaborative research activities in the fields of High Performance Computing, Data Mining, Bioinformatics and Databases with UK, UofL, and the Kentucky state government. She has numerous publications in international conferences and journals. Dr. Shen is also serving as a Campus Champion for XSEDE (Extreme Science and Engineering Discovery Environment), one of the world largest computing resources.

Degrees and Certifications

  • Ph.D. Computer Science, 2004, University of Kentucky
  • M.S. Computer and Chemical Engineering, 1990, Institute of Chinese Metallurgy, Chinese Academy of Science
  • B.S. Mathematics, Chongqin University, P.R. China