Health Services

The Kentucky State University Directory includes information for administrators, faculty and staff. Information provided includes names, titles, departments, campus address, contact information, e-mail links, and in some instances, biographical, professional and academia information.

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A-Z List

Name Title Department Phone Email
Danny KellyWebmasterInformation
Hideka KobayashiAssistant Professor of HorticultureCooperative Extension(502)
Alex KofiGraduate Research AssistantCollege of Agriculture, Health, and Natural Resources(502) 330
Richard KabandaGraduate Research AssistantCollege of Agriculture, Health, and Natural Resources(502) 319
Dharma KhatiwadaAssistant Professor of PhysicsSchool of Science, Technology, Engineering and
Danielle Kinder4-H Youth Development Area AgentCooperative Extension(502)
Katherine KammingaPost Doctoral ResearcherSchool of Aquaculture and Aquatic Sciences(502)
Swarna KanchanPostdoctoral Researcher - DARE - KYCollege of Agriculture, Health, and Natural Resources(502)