How to Manage Your Student Loans: If you’re having trouble making payments on your federal student loans, we have
several options available to help you manage your debt. Check out this video to learn more about changing repayment plans, postponing or reducing your payments,
or combining your federal student loans.
Repayment: What to Expect – Are you unsure about the loan repayment process or wondering when you need to begin
making loan payments? Check out this video to learn about what to expect when your federal student loan enters repayment.
My Federal Loan – FedLoan Servicing provides customer service to student loan borrowers whose loan
is owned by the U.S. Government.
Student Loan Debt: To Pay or Not to Pay? – Economics correspondent, Paul Solman, examines the challenges that indebted college
graduates face and the debate over whether to forgive some or all of their loan burden.
No More Harvard Debt on CNN – $90,000.00 in loans paid off in 7 months. Harvard Graduate found ways to wipe
out debt.
Student Loan Help Tips – Chris Wragge spoke with Ray Martin about what to do if you are unable to immediately
pay off student loans.