Study Abroad and Exchange


Where the world is our classroom!

In today’s era of globalization/internationalization, we all effectively live in a small global village. There’s an ever-increasing need to develop intercultural competencies that prepare our students, faculty, and staff to live, learn, and work in the global community. Study Abroad is one of the most beneficial and life-changing experiences for college students, faculty, and staff. The experience can help participants broaden their vision of the world, experience different styles of teaching/learning, learn about new cultures and perspectives, and increase cross-cultural awareness. Kentucky State University’s (KSU) engagement with the international community is critical to the future of our students, our University, and our Commonwealth.

Study Abroad China - KSU

At Kentucky State University, Study Abroad means international teaching, learning, research, and service opportunities that may be offered and completed in fall, winter, spring, or summer semesters, either credit-based or non-credit-based. Types of Study Abroad programs include:

  • University-led or faculty-led programs,
  • Third-party programs, and
  • Individual direct enrollment programs.

Students may earn credits/grades towards their degree for required or elective courses offered by KSU. Transcripts of foreign courses may be evaluated by an authorized education service agency or through a course or programs articulation agreement between KSU and international partner institutions. The Office of International Affairs provides guidance and consultation for developing international programs and university-wide Study Abroad advising. The Office develops Study Abroad opportunities to provide a wide variety of support services to study/teach abroad, conduct field research, and participate in service-learning programs or internships. 

Please reach out to Dr. Eric Yang at or Dr. Paloma Pinillos at if you meet one of the criteria below:

  • Students: Interested in applying for any type of study abroad or a visitor to other institutions
  • Faculty: Interested in developing short-term faculty-led study abroad program
  • Academic units or faculty: Interested in initiating MOU on study abroad and/or exchange with an international institution