Man doing Microbial Water Quality Testing

microbial water quality testing

Required Frequency for Testing:

Photo of water flowing out of a pipe Ground Water

    • Initially, 4 samples need to be tested over
      first year/growing season.
    • 1 sample yearly thereafter.

Photo of a stream Surface Water

    • Initially, 20 samples need to be
      over 2-4 years/growing seasons.
    • 5 samples yearly thereafter.

Photo of a water tower Municipal Water

    • No testing required.
    • Can request a copy of public water system
      test results.
Testing  Results

    • A rolling data set of the findings of the Microbial Water Quality Profile for generic E. coli for water used for irrigation purposes (which is updated yearly) is required to be maintained.


Collection Instructions:

  • Collect water in the 100ml sample bottle that is provided; fill the bottle to the marked 100ml line.
  • Bottles and gloves can be obtained from lab locations. 
  • Wear gloves when filling the bottle.
  • Avoid touching the inside of the bottle or the inside of the cap.
  • Collect water from each source used for irrigation.
  • Label samples to differentiate each water source, if applicable.
  • Labels should include name, location, source, date and time of the water sample.

Special Instructions for Collecting Ground Water:

  • Run water 3-5 minutes or until temperature equalizes. 
  • Reduce flow to avoid splashing.

Special Instructions for Collecting Surface Water:

  • Wear gloves when filling the bottle.
  • Avoid stirring up sediment when collecting samples. 
  • Collect the water near the intake pipe. 
  • Use a pole or stick to extend your reach if necessary.
  • Fasten a second bottle, cup, jug, etc. to collect water.